Welcome to Lakeview

Lakeview at a Glance


We hope our church can be a place where you connect to others and find a home. We seek to be a people who LOVE God and our neighbors and invite everyone to be transformed by the love of Christ. We seek to FOLLOW Jesus in all areas of our life. We learn from His life, what He taught, and His call for us to follow Him. We live to BLESS others as God has blessed us with gifts, abilities, talents and resources. God calls us to make a difference in our community and our world and we step out in faith to be a blessing to everyone we encounter.

Simply put, our vision is to be a people who: LOVE // FOLLOW // BLESS


Every Sunday we gather together as a community of mission friends. Our worship includes music and singing, scripture reading, prayer, and a relevant Biblical message. Being a multi-generational church, we offer a contemporary worship service with a touch of the traditional including ancient elements. Join us online during our 9:00am worship service or in-person at 9:00am or 10:30am.


Our goal is to prioritize families everywhere. Nursery is offered at both the 9:00am and 10:30am services. LakeviewKids, our children’s ministry for elementary age, is offered during the 10:30am service. All of our volunteers are background checked, and we strive to create a safe environment for children of all ages.


We are a worshipful community that is centered in Christ, committed to prayer, preaching, and study of the word; the celebration of the sacraments; and relationships across gender, ethnicity, age, culture, and socioeconomic status. We equip loving, giving, growing Christians to reach out with the good news of Jesus Christ—sharing the Good News of Jesus to the lost, ministering to those in need, and seeking justice for the oppressed.

Sunday Service

Every Sunday
9:00 AM and 10:30 AM

Celebrate Recovery

Every Thursday
6:30 PM (Dinner at 6:00pm)


We have many ministry events offered throughout the year. We invite you to connect with us at one of our many events.

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